Explore Guernsey is an app for visitors!
Book your hotel online, browse menus and get information on venues and points of interest.
The Explore Guernsey App brings you into the heart of Guernsey by providing you with valuable information on the Island before you arrive, places for you to explore, visit, shop and dine in our lovely restaurants. You can also find out what’s on, what’s nearby and how to get there!
The app is designed to help maximise a visit to the Bailiwick
Discover what a listing looks like below. For further information on how to advertise, FAQs and how to download/view the app please use the following links
If you have a listing in Explore Guernsey, you will appear in as many relevant categories as you wish, your business geotagged and shown on a map so it is easy to find on mobile devices, an image of the business, a summary of what you offer, your opening hours, menus (or other relevant documents such as price lists), your facilities and amenities (e.g. is parking available, what bus routes you are on etc).
In addition your listings will have CALL TO ACTION BUTTONS that allow app users to quickly
– Call your business
– View your website
– Send an email, or
– Get directions to your business
Below is one of the listings that appears within the sections for Party Venues & Room Hire, Cafes, Activities AND Attractions (NB this appears as a continuous scroll)
Share your events and special offers
You may also add your events and any special offers that you may have